Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

Agile New England

A worldwide inclusive forum that nurtures radical discussion about emergent Agile practices.

About Agile New England




Our Mission

Improve the understanding and practice of Agile and its methods worldwide by creating a safe space for everyone to share new concepts for discussion and consideration.

About Us

Agile New England is the leading community of Agile and Lean enthusiasts, practitioners, and learners in New England. Based in Boston, we are committed to fostering more excellent knowledge of the Agile and Lean values, principles, and practices. Our goals are to broaden our members’ understanding and professionalism and increase the effectiveness and competitiveness of software development organizations in New England.

Agile New England is a chapter of the ACM and is affiliated with the Agile Alliance.


Agile New England (originally Agile Bazaar) was founded in June of 2002 when Ken Schwaber called a meeting at a hotel in Burlington. He was acting on behalf of the Agile Alliance board in their mission to seed local chapters of Agile Alliance. The founding members present for that first meeting were Mike Dwyer, Stephen McDonald, Ron Morsicato, Ken Schwaber, Tom Stambaugh, Jeff Sutherland, and Nancy Van Schooenderwoert. The organization was renamed “Agile New England” in January 2011.


We hold meetings on the first Thursday of every month from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. These meetings explore a wide variety of Agile practices and methodologies for beginners and advanced practitioners. The monthly meetings are free of charge and, —  when we meet in person –, include a light dinner, courtesy of our sponsors.

We also organize special events during the year, including the Agile Games and Mob Programming conferences and Agile for Executives. So check back often to learn about current upcoming events.

Email the ANE Team Leads

Email the Pre Monthly Meeting Team

Email the Sponsorship Team

Email the Membership Team

Email the Communications Team

Email the ANE Conductor

Email the IT Team

Monthly Meeting Speaker Feedback

Email the Monthly Meeting Team

ANE Information Request

Monthly Member Question Submission


Build your network.
Build your skills.
Make a difference.

Re-registration Information

Agile New England is 20 years old!

Our new website offers us an opportunity to learn about our active members to serve them better. It also makes it easier for you to find the information you need about upcoming and past events and membership.

One change: we now restrict some content to logged-in members. This content includes summary information about past Monthly Meetings, video content, and member polls.

What hasn’t changed? Membership to Agile New England is still free. No strings attached.

black and silver safe handle

You are safe with us.  We will never sell your information!

Non-Elected Board Position Interest Form

Election Nomination

Other Group Submission

Website Feedback

Community Event Submission

ANE Idea Submission

ANE Topic Submission

Agile 101 Teaching Inquiry

Monthly Speaker Inquiry

Request Sponsorship Information
